Beginn: 11.01.2026
Ende: 18.01.2026
Allianzgebetswoche 2026
Gemeinsam glauben - miteinander beten
Thema: “God's faithfulness towards His People: stop and restart together” - Psalm 78
This is from the Italians: Prayer week 2026
This is a draft of the calendar:
- Day 1 - V.1-4 Memory - Hide not what God has revealed (see also Mt 13:35)
- Day 2 - v. 5-11 Memory - Putting your trust in God so as not to be rebellious
- Day 3 - v. 12-26 Memory - Exalting the great works of God
- Day 4 - v. 17-33 Repentance - Recognising human rebellion and divine mercy
- Day 5 - v. 34-37 Repentance - Reporting insincere repentance
- Day 6 - v. 38-55 Thanksgiving - Sincere mercy of God
- Day 7 - v. 56-64 Thanksgiving - Divine Judgment
- Day 8 - v. 65-72 Thanksgiving - Grace and Justice
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